Cholesterol Assay Kits

We have expanded our portfolio of cholesterol assays to include the following kits:

  • Our Total Cholesterol Assay Kits are simple assays that measure the amount of total cholesterol present in plasma, serum, tissue homogenates, or cell lysates in a 96-well plate format. Kits are available for either colorimetric or fluorometric detection.
  • Our HDL-Cholesterol Assay Kit uses the same assay principle as our fluorometric Total Cholesterol Assay, but it provides reagents for isolating HDL from other lipoproteins such as LDL, VLDL, IDL and Chylomicrons prior to running the assay.
  • Our HDL and LDL/VLDL Cholesterol Assay allows you to separate the HDL and LDL/VLDL fractions from serum or plasma before measuring the cholesterol levels in each.

Serum Triglyceride and Free Glycerol Assays

Triglycerides in the blood serve as an energy source and play a key role in metabolism. They are the digestive end product of breaking down dietary fats in the body. Triglycerides are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol by lipoprotein lipases.  

  • Our Serum Triglyceride Quantification Kits measure triglyceride concentrations in serum, plasma, and lysates by a coupled enzymatic reaction system in a 96-well microtiter plate format with either colorimetric or fluorometric detection. 
  • Our Free Glycerol Assay Kits use a similar assay principle to measure the free glycerol present in serum or plasma. Choose colorimetric or fluorometric detection.


Lipoprotein Receptor Assays

The amount of cholesterol in the blood is mediated by the presence of certain cell-surface receptors which bind lipoproteins and engulf them by endocytosis. 

  • The physiological role of the LDL Receptor (LDLR) is to transport low-density lipoprotein particles into cells and is the primary pathway for removal of cholesterol from the circulation. Our Human LDLR Receptor ELISA Kit quantifies human LDLR in plasma, serum, or tissue homogenates or cell lysates.
  • The degradation of LDLR is mediated by PCSK9, which can have profound effects on plasma LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) levels. Our Human PSCK9 ELISA Kit was developed for the quantitation and detection of human PCSK9 in plasma, serum, or tissue cell lysate samples.
  • The OxLDL receptor LOX-1 specifically binds the oxidized form of LDL. LOX-1 can be cleaved and released as a soluble form and is a prognostic biomarker of early acute coronary syndromes, stroke, and coronary heart disease. Our Human LOX-1 ELISA Kit quantifies human LOX-1 in plasma, serum, or cell culture supernatants.


Human Oxidized LDL ELISA Kits 

LDL cholesterol, sometimes referred to as "bad" cholesterol, is even more dangerous when it becomes oxidized. Oxidized LDL (OxLDL) is more reactive with surrounding tissues and can collect within the inner-lining of arteries.

Our OxiSelect™ Human Oxidized LDL ELISA Kits were developed for the detection and quantitation of human OxLDL in plasma or serum. Three assays allow you to selectively measure MDA-LDL, CML-LDL or HNE-LDL.

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Human Apolipoprotein ELISA Kits 

Plasma apolipoproteins can be grouped into two classes: the nonexchangeable apolipoproteins (ApoB-100 and ApoB-48), and the exchangeable apolipoproteins (ApoAI, ApoAII, ApoAIV, ApoCI, ApoCII, ApoCIII, and ApoE)

Our Human Apolipoprotein ELISA Kits were developed for the detection and quantitation of specific human apolipoproteins in plasma, serum or other biological fluid samples. In addition, our new Human ApoAI and ApoB Duplex ELISA Kit allows you to detect and quantify both human ApoAI and ApoB in the same sample.

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